Fighting against POLLUTION to Save Environment
Realistic Expectations Public

Realistic goals :
what level of pollution reduction is achievable?

what level of pollution reduction is acceptable?

The answers to all these have to come from a combined team of :
Air pollution specialist

Health experts

Environmental economist

Policy makers



Realistic Expectations Policy Makers

What areas of air pollution will make the biggest Impact ?

- PM, Visual aspects, SO2, NOx, Ozone, etc.

Which method or combinations will show immediate improvement ?

How much will it cost?

Will it have mass appeal?

Some Suggestions from Dr.Mario Molina and Luisa Molina

Measure pollutants, precursors reactive intermediates

Better photochemistry models, molecular level understanding

Study processes of formation, evolution, growth and removal of particulates

Real-time characterization

Enhance collaboration between epidemiologists, physiologists and atmospheric scientists

More enhanced monitoring in urban centers, particularly in developing nations

Establish long term measurement programmes to characterize air quality on a regional to global scale

AWMA, Urban Air Quality Forum:Megacities and Atmospheric Pollution, June 23rd,

Some Suggestions from Dr.Mario Molina and Luisa Molina

Interdisciplinary Research
Take holistic approach: taking into account scientific, technical, existing infrastructure, economic, social and political factors

There is no single strategy for addressing air pollution problems in megacities

A mix of policy measures best suited for each cities challenges and customs will be needed to improve air quality

Institutional Improvement
Stakeholders Involvement
Sustainable Transport
Clean Vehicle and Fuel technology,
I&M \Programme


Air quality improvement have taken place

Poor quantification and credible reporting

Health based linkages and successes not yet fully known

Limited research and policy intervention success stories
Air quality studies highly biased for Transport sector

Many simpler policies may reduce PM emissions to greater extent.
Need for health based policy formulations


