Fighting against POLLUTION to Save Environment
Shares of Traffic Load by Vehicle Type in the Cities

Vehicle Type                                   Vehicle kilometers per day (lakhs)
Delhi Mumbai Kolkata Chennai Bangalore Hyderabad Kanpur Agra
Cars/Jeeps/ 300.88 94.90 90.401 50.30 51.12 39.10 7.79 4.17
Vans (37.97%) (31.08%) (39.19%) (20.18%) (15.67%) (15.23%) (16.17%) (31.08%)
Taxis 6.01 26.06 23.73 5.60 2.35 2.83 0.08 0.09
(0.76%) (8.53%) (10.29%) (2.25%) (0.72%) (11%) (0.16%) (0.31%)
Two Wheelers 338.23 95.09 71.21 134.50 203.67 143.69 29.11 15.04
(42.69%) (31.14%) (30.86%) (53.95%) (62.43%) (55.96%) (60.41%) (54.7%)
Auto CNG 71.37 - - - - - - -
Auto Petrol 22.20 53.88 19.45 42.40 50.45 44.60 6.55 5.49
(2.8%) (17.65%) (8.43%) (17.01%) (15.46%) (17.37%) (13.59%) (19.98%)
LCV 16.67 12.13 4.90 5.50 5.92 6.03 1.16 0.87
(2.09%) (3.97%) (2.12%) (2.21%) (1.81%) (2.35%) (2.41%) (3.16%)

Shares of Traffic Load by Vehicle Type in the Cities

Vehicle Type                                   Vehicle kilometers per day (lakhs)
Delhi Mumbai Kolkata Chennai Bangalore Hyderabad Kanpur Agra
HCV 8.57 13.29 4.84 4.90 4.26 10.00 2.76 1.03
  (1.08%) (4.35%) (2.1%) (1.97%) (1.31%) (3.89%) (5.73%) (3.75%)
Bus CNG 10.53 - - - - - - -
Bus Diesel 17.98 10.00 16.18 6.10 8.48 1052 0.73 0.81
(2.27%) (3.27%) (7.01%) (2.45%) (2.6%) (4.1%) (1.52%) (2.93%)
Total 792.34 305.35 230.72 249.3 326.25 256.77 48.18 27.50
(100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%)

* The buses and taxis plying on CNG could not be easily identified on road side


Change in Light-Duty Diesel Vehicle Emissions with Variations in Diesel Fuel Properties

Diesel Fuel Properties CO HC NOX PM CO2
855 to 828 g/l
-17.1b -18.9° +1.4 -19.4 -0.9
8 to 1 Percent
+4.0° +5.5 -3.4 -5.2 -1.08
50 to 58
-25.3 -26.3 -0.18(NS) +5.2 -0.37(NS)
T 95
370 to 325°C
-1.8 +3.4 +4.6 -6.9 +1.59
2000 to 500 ppm
- - - -2.4 -

Not applicale

NS = Non significant

a. Baseline Properties density 855 g/l; Polyaromatic Content 8 percent; Cetane number 50; T95 370°C; Sulfur 2000 ppm

b. Negative values indicate decrease in emissions

c. Positive values indicate increase in emissions

Change in Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Emissions with Variations in Diesel Fuel Properties

Diesel Fuel Properties CO HC NOX PM CO2
855 to 828 g/l
+5.0b +14.25c -3.57 -1.59 +0.07
8 to 1 Percent
0.08(NS) -4.02 -1.66 -3.58 -0.60
50 to 58
-10.26 -6.25 -0.57 0(NS) -0.41
T 95
370 to 325°C
+6.54 +13.22 -1.75 0(NS) +0.42
2000 to 500 ppm
- - - -13.0 -

Not applicale

NS = Non significant

a. Baseline Properties density 855 g/l; Polyaromatic Content 8 percent; Cetane number 50; T95 370°C; Sulfur 2000 ppm

b. Negative values indicate decrease in emissions

c. Positive values indicate increase in emissions

Source : Camarsa and Hubbin 1995; ACEA/EUROPIA 1995a