Fighting against POLLUTION to Save Environment
Note: All efforts should be made to remove odour and unpleasant colour as far as possible.
Source : The gazette of India :
Extraordinary Part II - Sec 3 (i) pp 11 dated 27.2.92

treatment processes required to meet the standards in Table 3.

Prepare a preliminary design of the treat­ment plant (could be located depending upon topography) if not done so far.

Prepare a rough costing of conveyance and treatment of waste water.

Collect samples of river water from location at downstream of discharge, if relevant, determine use of the river stretch, check quality of samples vis-a-vis requirements, estimate consequent to proper CETP.

From the air pollutant load estimated and over meteorological data determine highest ground level concentrations, check with actual field measurement. Determine improvement required in terms of pollutant generation.

Examine where industrial sludges, hazardous wastes, industrial wastes are disposed off; examine the details of disposal practice, (may be the relevent industries are disposing the hazardous sludges on their own backyard).

Examine the whole issue - examine possibility of ground water pollution, if possibility exists collect soil, leachete/ ground water samples and analyse and interpret data.

Arising out of the impact study, deermine mitigation measures required more than the minimum requirement (concept of MINAS).

Wastewater related
Degree of treatment required (over and above prescribed) consistent with recipient system requirement, rough estimate of capital cost of conveyance and pretreatment & operation & maintenance cost -Evolve cost sharing formula and Administrative arrangement for construction and operating the plant.

Determine location of discharge of treated effluent which will have very low impact on receiving body of water.

Air Pollution related
Determine stack height requirement, if required in individual cases, examine need for better (low sulphur) fuel oil use, examine non operation of certain industries during certain time of day/ month/season; examine work place environment in respect of critical pollutant such as chlorine and operation like pesticide formulation.

Hazardous waste related
Identify the wastes that could be disposed of into a land fill. Select the site in and around the Estate; draw specifications for design construction and operation of the land fill site.
For wastes that could not be disposed into the land fill determine alternatives, including storage in concrete drums.

Prepare a plan for Large Scale plantations in the Estate Identify and prepare list of trees, Shrubs, herbs (relevant to the area)

Identify any other aspect specific to the estate such as Noise pollution, Smell/odour etc. and prepare/recommend short term and long term measures required.

Abbrivations used
EPA - Environmental Protection Act, 1986
tpd - Tonnes per day
CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board
WHO - World Health Organization
S02 - Sulphur-di-oxide
SPM - Suspended Particulate Matter
NOX - Nitrogen Oxides
UNIDO - United Nation Industrial Development Organization
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
MINAS - Minimum National Standards
CETP - Common Effluent Treatment Plant
MPCB - Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
