Fighting against POLLUTION to Save Environment
Manjari Road
The concentration on dated 11,12, is very high, it was due to the road paving activity

Magar Patta
The concentration on dated18 is very high, and it was due to the medical waste, paper and plastics burning activity. On dated 17 April data is missed due to the battery low

The dust loading of Magar patta region is high due to traffic.

This graph shows that the productivity of VSI & Magar Patta region is approximately same due to the low concentration of dust

Represents the canopy area, height & girth size of the plants of each site. The canopy area of Manjari Road & VSI is approximately same.

Categorization of Economic Benefits Categorization of Economic Benefits
Economic evaluation of the benefits in terms of vegetation in the scope of the present study is restricted only to the PM10 although there are many more benefits of reduction of other gases and secondary pollutants being anticipated to be formed during the course of reaction of the primary pollutants.

Direct Economic Loses Direct Economic Loses
Loses incurred due to the under development of the vegetation in terms of its expected growth, canopy cover, girth size, avenue generation, land utilization ratios, additional land requirement for attaining the required canopy area in future, and other related aspects are dealt in as direct economic loses.

Cost of the Saplings Cost of the Saplings
Cost of saplings (conservative estimate) of Rs. 15 / sapling is considered. In Pune 1,00,000 every year since last 10 years making the total number to 10,00,000. The rate of survival as per the Census data for Pune city is 60%, thereby making the total number about 6,00,000 in the past 10 years.
Total loss directly incurred through death of plants is: 4,00,000 * 15 = Rs. 60,00,000

Cost of Development of Trees Cost of Development of Trees
Cost of Watering, fertilizers, protection, pesticides, land preparation (clearing & digging) etc. considered as Rs. 15 / plant over the lifetime (a very conservative estimate for the purpose of reducing bias in higher loss estimates). Development cost lost due to death of plants which can also be considered as additional requirement for achieving the desired greenery is: = 4,00,000 * 15 = Rs. 60,00,000